22 Weeks

April 21st, 2011 by chrislovescatherine

Well, I haven’t announced it on our blog yet, so here it is! We are 22 weeks along with our little baby girl! She is due to grace us with her sweetness in the middle of August.

I can’t even begin to tell you the wonder and joy of feeling her move around. It blesses my soul to know that she is well, and I treasure every day with her. I just love to arrange myself in just the right positions to feel her move. Those positions are laying on the couch and sitting at the computer. Too bad I can’t do those all day!

Savannah and Caleb are so excited about baby. Savannah keeps hugging my belly and saying, “I love you, Baby!” She will be four in July. How much more fun can it be than to have a four year old with a new baby sister!

Caleb loves baby too. He takes good care of the baby dolls in preparation. That is, when he’s not playing with his cars, which he plays with just about all the time. I never had brothers growing up, so I had no comprehension of the bond little boys have with their Hot Wheels. Do they outgrow that? For some reason, I don’t think so.

So, are you interested in what’s going on in my brain right now? Maybe while you read you can say a little prayer for me. I’m SUPER analytical, and even the simplest things run through my head over and over. Please, don’t laugh if they seem like they shouldn’t be a big deal. I have a talent for making mountains. So, here’s the list:

  • Spring cleaning – Oh my, infinitely long list of cleaning to do…
  • Potty training – Yes, Caleb, and I hoped it would be done before baby girl arrived. My God is a God of the impossible!
  • Beds for my kiddos – Buddy needs a bed and needs to be trained to stay in it before baby comes. So, I’m shopping. There are so many options – toddler beds, bunks, loft, twin singles… We need to fit baby and two little kids in one room. Any thoughts?
  • Homeschooling – Savannah will be four this summer, and she is already itching to learn all the time! Praying for wisdom in choosing resources, taking it in God’s pace, and not being completely terrified by my inadequacy.
  • Blogging – I’d love to do more, and I know some of you are begging for more!
  • Child training – Oh pray for me! Consistency, patience, love, patience, creativity, patience, gentleness, patience… Did I mention patience?

So there you have it! Ah, I feel better just writing it out. Hope my ramblings show you that I love you my friends. Have a very blessed day in the Lord!

Posted in Overby News

3 Responses

  1. Sandra Perkins

    Always blessed to hear from you !!

  2. Maloney Baloney

    I LOVE YOU…and i’m praying for you too. Can’t WAIT to see that baby girl! :) :)

  3. Amy Cahill

    So glad baby is doing well! What a wonderful answer to prayer. Your to-do list sounds a whole lot like mine :-) As for beds, we’ve been contemplating building toddler bunk beds – smaller, shorter and with the space saving bed stacking feature.

About Chris & Catherine

It sometimes happens, even in the best of families, that a baby is born. This is not necessarily cause for alarm. The important thing is to keep your wits about you and borrow some money.